These include:
-origami tessellation
-origami pattern for a scorpion
-mathematical origami
I've been taken away by a lot of crafts. The one that really attracts me is origami. I'm thinking of using the element of origami in my collection. Whether it be to create the silhouette or decorate the surface, origami's three dimensionality really enhances the aesthetic of garments and makes an obvious reference to craft.
Origami is the Japanese word for folding paper. It is commonly used to create three dimensional objects. I feel it is a compelling type of craft. I am astounded by the angles involved, the patterns and repitition that can be created and the three dimensional structure that can be achieved.
At the same time however, I am weary about taking up this origami challenge. I can't even fold a paper plane let alone understand complicated origami objects. Anyway here are a few images of amazing origami techniques used in clothing, along with some links that have really wowed and excited me about venturing into the world of origami.
Johan Galliano for Dior '07'
Madame Butterfly
Geomorfos/Geomorphis experimental fashion